Nutrient regime of the soil under lentils depending on the fertilizer

Keywords: chernozem podzolized, mineral fertilizers, nitrogen of mineral compounds, mobile compounds of phosphorus and potassium


Purpose. To determine the influence of fertilizer on the dynamics of the nutrient status of podzolized chernozem under lentil crops in the conditions of the Right- Bank Forest Steppe. The nutrient status of the soil has a significant impact on plant metabolism. The main indicator that regulates it is soil fertility and the system of applying fertilizers to agricultural crops. The presence of mineral compounds of nitrogen and mobile compounds of phosphorus and potassium in the soil stimulates production processes in plants. However, too high a level of plant nutrition with them can prevent the timely formation of reproductive organs and be ineffective. Therefore, there is a need for research on the nutrient status of the soil and establishing optimal doses of various types of mineral fertilizers for its regulation. In forming the productivity and quality of the lentil harvest, a significant role belongs to the mineral nutrition of plants, therefore, it is important to thoroughly study the dynamics of the nutrient status of the soil under the influence of various components of the growing technology, among which fertilization is important. Methods. To determine the dynamics of the nutrient status of the soil, field, laboratory, and calculationcomparative methods were used. Results. The most intense changes in the nutrient status of the soil were observed in the 0–20 cm layer. The changes in the nitrogen content of mineral compounds were as follows: the largest decrease in the content during the growing season in the Fon + N60 option was by 23.5 mg/kg, the smallest in the control option was 17,4 mg/kg, or by 76 and 75%, respectively. As for mobile compounds of phosphorus and potassium, towards the end of the growing season of plants, a slight recovery of the content of mobile phosphates was noted. Findings. An active change in the nutrient status of the soil during the growing season of lentil plants was observed in the nitrogen content of mineral compounds. The content of mobile phosphorus and potassium compounds depended more on fertilization only in the first half of the lentil vegetation.


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