Corn productivity depending on kind of nitrogen fertilizers, foliar dressing and weather conditions

Keywords: hybrid, corn, yield, nitrogen fertilizers, Humilin Stimulus, fertilizing crops


Purpose.The results of the study on nitrogen fertilizers effectiveness, timing and frequency of foliar dressing of corn by Humilin Stimulus fertilizer for the productivity potential realization of corn hybrids EC Concord and EC Asteroid in the Left Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Methods. During 2019-2021, two field experiments were established and conducted on dark gray podzolic soils in the conditions of FG "Bogatyrivske" Romny district of Sumy region. Experiment 1: factor A "hybrid" – EC Concord and EC Asteroid; factor B "fertilizer" – without fertilizers (control); N22P57K57 (diamophos) – background; background + N120 (ammonia water); background + N120 (UAN); background + N120 urea (urea). In experiment 2, a complex water-soluble fertilizer Humilin Stimul with the rate of 3 l/ ha and a one-time and twice the frequency of application in the phenological phases 7-9; 5-7 and 7-9 leaves was used to fertilize crops. The study was conducted on three backgrounds of different types of nitrogen fertilizers with the same nitrogen rate – 120 kg a.s. Results. Corn was sown, depending on the year of research, from April 15 to April 23, using an Elvorty Vesta 8 seeder. Yield was recorded from each plot of the experimental variant using a Claas Lexion 480 combine. Before harvesting, control plant samples were taken to determine the yield structure and quality indicators. Global climate change today is a major challenge for agriculture in the new environment. That is why the issue of studying the impact of climate change on agro-climatic conditions for growing crops, their yields and gross output in a particular region and in the Left Bank Forest-Steppe in particular. The years of research differed significantly in terms of hydrothermal parameters, which allowed us to objectively assess the yield of the studied hybrids and identify their response to different types of nitrogen fertilizers in the weather conditions of the research years. Analyzing the years of research on weather conditions, it was found that the most favourable year was 2020, both in terms of temperature and moisture supply during the growing season of corn. The least favourable year by the hydrothermal conditions was 2019, which was characterized by a shortage of moisture in August and high temperatures, which significantly affected formation of yield structure elements and yield levels. Conclusions. The conducted researches allowed establishing expediency of more effective type of nitrogen fertilizer UAN 32 application at nitrogen dose of 120 kg a.s. The increase in corn grain yield with the application of UAN 32 was 9.2 t/ha, and with foliar dressing of crops by Humilin Stimulus fertilizer at the dose of 3 l/ha in the phenological phase of 5-7 leaves – 9.6 t/ha in the hybrid EC Asteroid. High and stable yield over the years is due to the adaptability of the hybrid to growing conditions and indicates the feasibility of its introduction into production.


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