Purpose. To determine the pest species composition in stands of bioenergy crops in different growing zones; to develop measures to control their population. Methods. Field, laboratory, mathematical and statistical. Results. It was established that the formation of the species composition of harmful entomofauna in sowings of bioenergy crops is affected by a complex of factors, such as the availability of food, weather conditions, as well as conditions for their survival and reproduction. In particular, various types of bioenergy crops form their own complex of harmful insects that feed on both roots and aboveground plant organs and which satisfy their needs for the development of the population and the preservation of its genetic fund. Thus, many species of phytophages, both soil and terrestrial, can be found in bioenergy willow plantations. The most dangerous ground pests are may beetle, larvae of the click beetles, blaps, and Anisoplia austriaca, which feed on the small roots of plants. The number of these phytophages varies in different zones and ranges from 0.9 to 4.0 individuals/ m2. Among terrestrial pests, the most widespread is the willow leaf beetle, the number of which ranges from 0.2 to 36.0 individuals/m2. In addition to the willow leaf beetle, this crop is damaged by the willow aphid, the ermine moth, Philaenus spumarius and some others, the number of which equals to 1.0−1.5 score. Miscanthus and other bioenergy crops are also host plants to soil and terrestrial pests. Roots of these plants are damaged by the larvae of may beetles, whiteflies, blaps, and Anisoplia austriaca, and by the ground pests such as the larvae of may beetle, click beetles, caterpillars of them stem butterfly, aphids, flea beetles, grain flies, etc. Regarding measures to control the number of phytophages in sowing and planting of bioenergy crops, pre-sowing soaking of cuttings of energy willow and giant miscanthus in insecticide solutions, presowing treatment of seeds with chemical preparations and spraying plants with chemical and biological insecticides are used. Conclusions. Bioenergy crops, like other crops, are damaged by a complex of harmful insects, to control which chemical and biological insecticides are used in different ways of their application.
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