Purpose – to study and selection of resistant varieties of winter wheat against major pests. Methods. The research was conducted in 2016–2018 at the plant protection department of the V. M. Remesla Myroniv Wheat Institute of the National Academy of Sciences (Tsentralne village, Obukhivskyi district, Kyiv region) in the northern part of the Right Bank Forest Steppe. The number of pests that hibernate or are in the soil in a certain period of their life cycle was determined by the method of excavation, taking soil samples and analyzing them. The survey of pests on the soil surface was carried out to determine their number on crops in the seedling phase. Small mobile insects that are on plants (cicadas, thrips, aphids, adults of cereal flies and sawflies) were detected by mowing with an entomological net. The counting of pests that feed on the surface of plants (bugs, bread bugs, leeches, etc.) was carried out both directly on the plants and after shaking them off the plants into an entomological net. Results. The lowest population of thrips in the tube phase was noted on the varieties Legenda Myronivska, Smuglyanka, Yuvilyar Myronivska, and in the phase of milk maturity – Myronivska early ripening, Legenda Myronivska, Vesta, Yuvilyar Myronivska and Bereginya Myronivska. In the flowering phase, the lowest number of aphids was observed on Myronivska early-ripening, Remeslivna, Smuglyanka, Monotyp, Horlytsia Myronivska and Oberig Myronivskyi varieties, and in the milk ripeness phase – on the Oberig Myronivskyi variety.In the phase of emerging into the tube, leech imagos of the varieties Remeslivna, Smuglyanka, Snizhana, Vesta, Bohdana, Svitanok Myronivskyi were the least populated, and in the earing phase – on the varieties Remeslivna, Smuglyanka, Snizhana, Vesta and Bohdana. Insignificant colonization of stems by bread sawfly larvae was noted on the varieties Yuvilyar Myronivskyi, Dostatok, Myronivska early ripening, Svitanok Myronivskyi, Bereginya Myronivska. Conclusions. The main pests that inhabited winter wheat crops in the spring-summer growing season and did not exceed the harmfulness threshold were wheat thrips, cereal aphids, leeches, and bread sawfly. A number of winter wheat varieties of the Mironov selection were selected for their resistance to colonization and damage by the main pests.
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