Purpose. The purpose of our research was to study the level of manifestation of productivity elements based on biometric parameters of plant growth and development of determinant varieties of buckwheat selected by the Institute of Agriculture of Northern East NAAS. Methods. The research was conducted during 2019–2021. The object of the research was three determinant and one indeterminant (control variant) buckwheat varieties selected by the Institute of Agriculture of the Northern East NAAS. Field and laboratory methods of research involved determination of biometric parameters of buckwheat plants and elements of their productivity. The establishment of experiments, the determination of biometric parameters, the analysis of the obtained results, and the mathematical and statistical processing were carried out in accordance with generally accepted methods. Results. As a result of the study, the superiority of determinant varieties over indeterminant varieties was established in terms of parameters related to the leaf surface. Indeterminant varieties form a greater number of flowers and the number of inflorescences on branches of the first order, however, the peculiarities of the structure of the determinant varieties (increased assimilation area, placement of flowers on the plant, etc.) led to an increase in the percentage of realization of flowers into grains by 13 %. The latter made it possible to obtain an equal number of full-fledged grains on the plant in comparison with the control variant, and due to the formation of larger seeds in the determinant varieties, to exceed the individual productivity of the control variant by 17 %. Conclusions. The features of the habit of determinant plants were identified, which consist in the formation of lowgrowing bushes with a well-developed assimilation area, which increased the leaf supply of plant flowers by 40 % compared to indeterminant ones. It was established that the formation of generative organs and their location on plants of determinant varieties is significantly different from the usual morphotype. Despite a certain advantage in the number of flowers on plants of the indeterminant variety, their location and size allowed the formation of the same number of grains through greater implementation of flowers into full-fledged fruits. Thus, the biometric features of the determinant varieties made it possible to form a mass of grain on the plant, which exceeded the usual variety by 8–25 %. The basic factor influencing the productivity of buckwheat plants is the number of full-fledged fruits per plant (r=0.97) and the weight of 1000 grains (r=0.91).
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