Keywords: variety, hybrid, selection, wheat, ear grain weight, yield.


Purpose. The aim of our study was to establish the nature of the inheritance of the trait "ear grain weight" in hybrids of soft winter wheat, created with the participation of late-maturing specimens of Western European ecotype (i); establishment of correlation of ear grain mass with the duration of the interphase period "flowering-grain maturity" and grain yield of elite breeding families in breeding nurseries (ii). Methods. Field research was conducted at the Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of NAAS in 2016–2021. The object of research were modern varieties of winter wheat of the Institute, collection samples of Western European ecotype, which were introduced from France and hybrids created with their participation. Varieties and hybrids were sown under irrigation scheme "maternal form, paternal, hybrid". Methods – field, laboratory, breeding and genetic, statistical. Research results. Hybrids of the first generation (F1) inherited the trait "ear grain mass" mainly by type of dominance (heterosis) and dominance. In the second generation (F2) inheritance took place mainly by intermediate type and the dominance of the paternal form with a productive ear. Prospects for the use of the effect of heterosis in hybrids of soft wheat with the involvement of contrasting morpho-biological, genetic, ecologicalgeographical origin of the parent components do not provide positive results in terms of "ear weight". Carrying out of individual selections of high-yielding genotypes on the indicator "ear grain weight" should be carried out taking into account the specificity of correlations in hybrid populations according to their pedigree. The type of correlation between ear weight and the duration of the interfacial floweringmaturity period was exclusively population-genotypic. The weight of the grain of the ear has a sufficiently high variability, heredity for effective selection. Conclusions. The nature of the inheritance of the trait "ear mass" in hybrids F1, F2 of soft winter wheat, created with the involvement of late-maturing specimens of the Western European ecotype, has been established. The correlation coefficient between the grain weight of the ear and the duration of the interphase period of "flowering-maturity" was –0.078…0.204, which indicates the possibility of selecting genotypes with a large ear among all groups of maturity. In most hybrid populations there was a positive high dependence of ear grain weight and grain yield (r=0.624…0.803), which suggests the prospects for selection for yield on the indicator "ear weight".


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