Keywords: common bean, variety, mineral fertilizers, inoculation, rhizobophyte, leaf surface area, pigments, chlorophyll.


Purpose – to determine the characteristics of the formation of the leaf surface area of crops and the accumulation of pigments in the leaves of bean plants of the Mavka, Perlyna, and Nadiya varieties, depending on the varietal characteristics, seed inoculation, and mineral fertilizer rates on turf-podzolic soils of Transcarpathia of Ukraine. Methods. The study was performed in a separate department of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine «Mukachevo Vocational College» in the Transcarpathian region. The field experiment was included in the stationary field crop rotation of the college on sod-podzolic heavy loam soils with a humus content of 1,9 %. The experiment is threefactor, factor A – zoned medium-ripe varieties of common beans, factor B – rates of mineral fertilizers, calculated by the balance method for the planned harvest, factor C – inoculation of seeds. Results. As the phases of growth and development of bean plants progressed, their leaf surface area increased and reached its maximum during the flowering phase – 30,1–41,8 thousand m2/ha in the variety Nadiya, 31,7–45,1 and 32,3–46,6 thousand m2/ha in Mavka and Perlina varieties, respectively. In the phase of pouring beans, the dying of the leaves of the lower tier was observed, which led to a certain decrease in the area of the leaf apparatus of the plants. The leaf surface area of bean crops increased with an increase in the fertilizer rate up to N120P80K40 on variants without inoculation. The application of N60P40K20 in combination with pre-sowing seed inoculation with Rhizobophyte provided the maximum indicators of the leaf surface area of plants – 41,8 thousand m2/ha in the variety Nadiya, 45,1 thousand m2/ha in the variety Mavka and 46,6 thousand m2/ha in Pearl variety. The higher content of the sum of pigments (a+c) in the leaves was noted in the Perlina variety after applying N60P40K20 kg/ ha per year and carrying out pre-sowing inoculation with Rhizobophyte. With an increase in the rate of mineral fertilizers, the effect of inoculation decreased. With the introduction of high rates of mineral (especially nitrogen) fertilizers N90P60K30 and N120P80K40, the effect of inoculation on the formation of the area of the leaf apparatus of crops and the content of pigments in the leaves of bean plants was leveled off. Conclusions. Application of high rates of mineral (especially nitrogen) fertilizers from N90P60K30 and N120P80K40 neutralizes the effect of inoculation on the formation of the area of the leaf apparatus of bean crops and the content of pigments in the leaves.


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