Keywords: genotype, population, forage productivity, parameters of adaptive traits, correlation, biplot analysis.


The purpose of research. Study of adaptive traits in breeding populations of alfalfa for forage use in the first year of life and selection of promising material for further use in the breeding process. Materials and methods. The research was conducted at the Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of NAAS of Ukraine during 2017–2019 years. The study focused on 24 alfalfa populations. The analysis of alfalfa genotype resistance to stress was performed using the index of environmental conditions, regression coefficient, predicted ecological stability, plasticity of the variety with different eco gradient, stress resistance and genetic flexibility, homeostatic and selection value parameters, adaptability coefficient, adaptability coefficient, general adaptability, general adaptability relative stability of the genotype, selection value of the genotype, nonlinearity coefficients and compensationdestabilization. Results. The most favorable conditions for the formation of forage productivity were in 2019, when the index of environmental conditions was + 3.68 under irrigation and -2.59 under conditions of natural moisture), while in 2018 – very unfavorable (index of environmental conditions was +1.90 and -3.55, respectively). Yield of forage mass in alfalfa genotypes ranged from 0.05 to 8.42 kg/m². In terms of adaptability, the most stable populations were: A.r. d., FHNV² and V.11 / P. d. Populations of Sin(c). / Primorka, A.-N. d. № 114, T. / Emeraude were distinguished as populations of intensive type, and (Emeraude / T.)², Zymostiika / M.K. and M.agr. / C. were identified as genotypes well adapted to different growing conditions. Correlation dependences between forage yield under different moisture conditions and parameters of adaptive traits were also analyzed and the most suitable adaptive identifiers were identified. Conclusions. The most suitable identifiers of adaptability and alfalfa populations are divided into three groups: intensive type – A.-N. d. № 114, stable – A.r. d. and adapted to different conditions – (Emeraude / T)².


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