Goal. The goal is to determine the economic and energy efficiency of growing soybean seeds depending on the varietal composition, fertilizer and plant protection in the irrigation conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine. Methods. Field, economic, energy. The results. In field experiments, it was determined that the highest value of the conditional net profit at the level of 41.4-42.4 thousand UAH/ha was obtained in the variants where the Oleshsha soybean variety was grown with seed treatment with the biological preparation Phosphate gel, and compliance with biological and chemical plant protection. On average, according to the varietal composition, the lowest conditional net profit of 20.6 thousand UAH/ha was obtained on experimental plots where the Ideal variety was grown. Implementation of soybean seeding on irrigated lands of the Oleshsha variety contributed to the increase of this indicator to 33.2 thousand UAH/ha, which is 1.6 times more than the first variety. Also, a high conditional net profit at the level of UAH 31.5-31.8 thousand/ha was formed in variants with Zorya Stepu and Pivdenna Krasunya varieties. An increase in the level of profitability in the range of 249-254% was ensured by the cultivation of the Oleshsha variety with the use of chemical and biological plant protection against the background of seed treatment with the biological preparation Phosphate gel. The lowest values of the investigated indicator – 95.5% were manifested in the Ideal variety for the application of nitrogen fertilizer with observance of biological protection of plants. Conclusions. The largest conditional net profit, which ranged from 41.4 to 42.4 thousand UAH/ha, was formed for the cultivation of the Oleshshya variety in variants with the use of phosphate gel in combination with biological and chemical plant protection. The highest values of the profitability of soybean seed production were obtained in the version with the introduction of Phosphate gel biofertilizer, exceeding the control by 21.2-59.5%. Energy input was the highest (74.6-77.1 GJ/ha) when growing soybean seeds Pivdenna krasunya and Oleshshya with the use of the biological preparation Phosphate gel and chemical plant protection.
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