Purpose. Scientific substantiation of directions for the cleaning and restoration of technogenically polluted, as a result of military operations in Ukraine, soils of agrocenoses using biological methods, in particular probiotic preparations. Methods. To determine possible ways of remediation of soil contaminated with heavy metals and petroleum products, the seedling method was used [15; 16]. Triticum aestivum was used for rapid tests of phytotoxicity. All experiments were carried out in quadruplicate. The determination of the content of heavy metals (gross content and mobile forms) and oil products before and after biological purification was carried out in threefold repetition according to the methods of DSTU 4770.9:2007, DSTU 4770.2:2007, MVV 31-497058-009-2002 in the laboratory of agroecological monitoring of the Poltava State Agrarian University. Mathematical processing of experimental data was performed using correlation and regression analysis. The calculation of statistical indicators and the correlation between the studied parameters was carried out according to generally accepted methods using the MS Excel computer program. The reliability of the calculated parameters was determined using the Student's t-test at a significance level of 0.05. Results. It was established that as a result of the use of probiotic preparations on the most polluted soil (Zn+Pb+NP), the improvement of biometric indicators in comparison with untreated soil amounted to: 61% in terms of germinated seeds; by 50–55% in the length of the shoots and the length of the roots; by 28–30% by weight of the ground part and root system. Thus, as a result of the biological treatment of soil with probiotic preparations Sviteko-Agrobiotic-01 (dilution 1: 100) with various contaminants (heavy metals and oil products), the phytotoxicity of all samples was less than 20% according to the biometric indicators of Triticum aestivum, i.e. there is no phytotoxicity. In addition, as a result of cleaning the control sample and the sample contaminated with petroleum products, a significant improvement in the biometric indicators of Triticum aestivum is observed. According to the results of a chemical analysis of soil with various heavy metal and petroleum products contamination before and after cleaning with probiotic preparations Sviteko-Agrobiotic-01 (1:100 dilution), it was established that probiotic preparations reduce the content of petroleum products by 2–3 times as a result of cleaning after 7 days, while thus, the content of petroleum products becomes lower than the MPC and begins to stimulate the growth and development of plants. As a result of cleaning, the mobile form of heavy metals decreases by 2-3 times and becomes smaller MPC. Thus, the effectiveness of the use of probiotic preparations and SPV in recommended doses to reduce the phytotoxicity of agrocenoses contaminated with heavy metals and oil products as a result of military operations in Ukraine has been established. Conclusions. The obtained results indicate that the most contaminated soil showed an improvement in biometric indicators, which amounted to 86–92% of the clean control. That is, if the deterioration of these indicators on the contaminated soil was 33–43% compared to the clean control, then on the cleaned soil these indicators worsened by only 7–10%. The data of the chemical analysis of the soil show that probiotic preparations reduce the content of oil products by 2-3 times after 7 days of cleaning. It was established that the effectiveness of the use of probiotic preparations and SPV in recommended doses to reduce the phytotoxicity of agrocenoses, which are contaminated with heavy metals and petroleum products as a result of military operations in Ukraine. The obtained research results can be used in the development of recommendations for the restoration of technogenically polluted lands as a result of military actions in Ukraine and their return to economic circulation in the context of ensuring ecological and food security of the region and creating sustainable agroecosystems.
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