The work is devoted to the analysis of the scientific impact of Vasyl Dokuchaev's teachings on the conditions of the formation of chernozem-type soils in the conditions of progressive deterioration of the agrophysical qualities of the soils of Ukraine. The topicality of the topic is related to the issue of increasing the yield of agricultural crops with the simultaneous improvement of its ecological quality due to persistent trends in the deterioration of growing conditions for field crops due to soil degradation and their loss of self-regulation and self-recovery ability. The objective. The goal is to analyze the scientific approaches of modern soil science to determine the intensity of the influence of Dokuchaev's teachings on the basics of soil cultivation technologies in the conditions of progressive deterioration of the agrophysical qualities of the soils of Ukraine. Results. The influence of the imperial past on the modern views of domestic soil scientists has led to the fact that they are faced with increasingly complex problems of integration and greening of technologies for growing agricultural products. This situation is the primary consequence of society's demands for the creation of a more progressive and at the same time complex scientific approach to defining soil as a habitat. The development of ideas about the nature of soil formation led to essentially opposite views. Some soil scientists claim that living organisms in general, and especially higher plants, are the most important soil formers. The other part is convinced that the vegetation itself is highly dependent on the soil, climate and relief, and therefore there is a relationship between the soil and the relief. In the middle of the last century, an opinion was formed that the direction of humification depends primarily on the conditions of this process. It is also worth noting that at the beginning of the new millennium, the views of domestic soil scientists on soil-forming processes are in most cases different from the orthodox views of Moscow. According to the modern ideas of domestic classics, the formation of typical fertile chernozems takes place precisely under forest vegetation, and podzolic soils under steppe vegetation. Conclusions. In a more modern sense, a classic in science is a person who, through his activities, initiated a new direction or new ways of solving certain problems. The views of the classics are a kind of threshold, not a wall. Having approached it, it is necessary to cross oneself and move on. It is precisely in this matter that there is no doubt the main difference in mentality between мuscovite and the inhabitants of the free world.
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