As a result of military actions on the territory of Ukraine, the sown areas are reduced, which can cause a world food crisis. There is a need for the maximum involvement of land in agricultural circulation on the territory of Ukraine in order to ensure ecological and food security, sustainable functioning of agro-ecosystems. At the same time, a significant part of the agrocenoses, suitable for growing agricultural products, was subjected to man-made pollution as a result of military operations in Ukraine, in particular due to the influence of oil products and heavy metals. Despite a significant number of previous scientific studies on the impact of oil products and heavy metals on the environment, the study of the impact of the consequences of military actions in Ukraine on indicators of agrocenoses is extremely relevant. The purpose of conducting our research was to assess the impact of technogenically polluted lands as a result of military actions on soil indicators of agrocenoses. The main task was the study of the influence of heavy metals and oil products on the biometric indicators of Avéna sativa. Methods. The seedling method was used for a comprehensive assessment of soil phytotoxicity. Avéna sativa was used as a test plant during the experiment to assess the effect of heavy metals on the soil. The results. The assimilation of heavy metals by the shoots and roots of plants creates a special danger. Thus, the content of lead in plants increases by 20% when its content in the soil is 2 MPC. When the lead content in the soil is 5 MPC, its concentration in plants increases by 40%, and when the lead content in the soil is 10 MPC, its concentration in plants increases by 150%. Conclusion. It has been established that with the content of petroleum products and heavy metals in the soil in concentrations typical of agricultural lands contaminated by military actions, the most negative impact on plants is the complex impact of lead and petroleum products. The assimilation of heavy metals by the shoots and roots of plants creates a special danger. Thus, the content of lead in plants increases by 20% when its content in the soil is 2 MPC. When the lead content in the soil is 5 MPC, its concentration in plants increases by 40%, and when the lead content is 10 MPC, its concentration in plants increases by 150%.
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