Purpose. To detect changes in the content of microelements in the grain of soft winter wheat at different doses and systems of fertilizers and foliar fertilization with chelate fertilizers in the conditions of the Right Bank Forest- Steppe of Ukraine. Methods. The content of microelements in grain was determined by atomic absorption spectrometry according to GOST 30178-96 in the TerraLab laboratory. The experiment used: Nanit chelate fertilizer, ammonium nitrate, 34 %, granular superphosphate, 20,5 % and potassium chloride, 60 %, as well as cattle manure. Results. The paper scientifically substantiates and establishes that the content of microelements in the grain of winter wheat naturally changes depending on the systems of fertilizers and foliar feeding. It was found that for all fertilizer systems, compared to the control variant, the content of zinc and copper in the grain decreases, and for – N45P45K45 cobalt and molybdenum. However, with the organo-mineral system 9 t/manure + N45P67,5K36 – the grain has the highest content of iron, zinc, copper. According to the mineral fertilizer system N90P90K90 – the grain contains more manganese and boron, and according to – N45P45K45 – the grain has a high content of cobalt and molybdenum. After foliar feeding of winter wheat, regardless of fertilizer systems, the content of all trace elements in the grain increases by: 5–12 % – zinc, manganese, boron, 20–33 % – iron, molybdenum, almost twice – copper and cobalt. Moreover, the organo-mineral system in the grain increases the content of iron, zinc, copper, boron. In the mineral fertilizer system (N90P90K90) – the grain has a higher level of manganese and high – boron, and in the mineral system (N45P45K45) the grain has a high content of molybdenum and cobalt and only slightly inferior to high iron content in the organo-mineral system. For the predicted and effective enrichment of the mineral composition of winter wheat grain, the organo-mineral fertilizer system together with foliar fertilization with chelating fertilizer Nanit was the best.
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