Keywords: sugar sorghum, plant height, stem diameter, seeding rate, hybrid.


Aims. To determine the effect of seed sowing rates of various sugar sorghum hybrids on the growth and development of plants, to establish the optimal plant density for the Right Bank Forest Steppe zone. Methods. Field – launching experiments, recording stem yield, laboratory – determining sugar content, physical – measuring the height, diameter of stems, linear leaf dimensions, calculation – yield of bioethanol, solid fuel, energy, analysis, statistical. Results. The maximum value of the leaf surface was determined in Zubr hybrid (47.5 thousand m2/ha) at the sowing rate of 200 thousand pcs/ha. The smallest leaf surface area (31.1–33.3 thousand m2/ha) was formed by plants of Mamont and Medovyi hybrids at a sowing rate of 100 thousand pcs/ha. The highest yield of green mass was provided by Mamont hybrid 109.9 t/ha at a plant density of 200 thousand pcs/ha, and the lowest by Medovyi hybrid – 66.0 t/ha at a plant density of 100 thousand pcs/ ha. On average, over the research years, the highest sugar content was in Medovyi hybrid (17.5%) at a seeding density of 200 thousand pcs/ha, and the lowest in Mamont (16.1%) at a density of 100 thousand pcs/ha. Moderate plant thickeness contributed to an increase in sugar content by 0.1–0.5%. Based on the results of calculating the yield of solid biofuel, it was established that the maximum indicators were for the cultivation of sugar sorghum with a seeding density of 200 thousand pcs/ha. Thus, Mamont hybrid obtained 25.38 t/ha, and the minimum for Medovyi one (15.24 t/ha) at a density of 100 thousand pcs/ha. Conclusions. It was established that increasing the sowing rate of sugar sorghum helps to increase plant height and the leaf surface area. At the same time, stem diameter and tillering coefficient are significantly reduced. The yield of sugar sorghum stems of the investigated hybrids is the highest at the plant density of 150–200 thousand pcs/ha. Technological parameters of bioenergy were obtained at the sowing rate of 200 thousand pcs/ha. Under the condition of growing Zubr and Mamont sugar sorghum hybrids with a sowing rate of 200 thousand pcs/ha, the yield of bioethanol and total energy is the highest.


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