Keywords: Fragaria ananassa, biological preparations, film greenhouses, productivity, product quality.


The need for the production of organic berry products is primarily due to the fact that as a result of the fullscale use of intensive farming technologies in the world agricultural production, there was an accumulation of high residual content of heavy metals and pesticides in the soil, which negatively affected the soil biocenosis and the safety of berry products. The objective. The aim of the work was to study the effectiveness of using fungicides of a biological nature to protect berries from microbiological damage in the harvested crop in the conditions of film greenhouses. Methods. Experiments were conducted in the conditions of film greenhouses in the winter-spring crop rotation. Results As a result of experimental studies, the methodology of formation and preservation of consumer properties of fresh strawberry berries of garden organic production was developed, scientifically substantiated and practically confirmed. The biological effectiveness of the use of 4 biofungicides as an alternative to chemical means of berry protection in organic production has been established, the maximum degree of protection is provided by the use of EM 5 and the preparation of microbiological synthesis of Biplan, which ensure the yield of standard production of 97.8 and 95.5%, respectively. The presence of EM 5 aminosaccharides and metabolic products of Biplan bacteria in microbiological preparations made it possible to obtain an additional effect – an increase in yield, the average weight of berries and an increase in the marketable quality of berries. A comprehensive study of the functionaltechnological characteristics, comparative nutritional value and environmental safety indicators of strawberry berries of the Elsanta garden variety introduced in film greenhouses of the 4th light zone of Ukraine was conducted. A ranking was conducted and a number of advantages were compiled according to organoleptic indicators, the content of sugars and biologically active substances. The varietal specificity of strawberry berries for the bioaccumulation of toxic substances has not been established. Conclusions. A comprehensive analysis of the effectiveness of the use of four biofungicides in the Krapyvnychyna region for the protection of strawberry berries from damage by phytopathogens during organic production was carried out. showed that all studied biofungicides were not inferior in effectiveness to chemical protection agents used in intensive cultivation technology in protected soil conditions. In organic production, the EM 5 biological preparation and Biplan biofungicide of microbiological synthesis are used with consumption rates of 5 l/ha, which make it possible to most effectively reduce damage to berries by the fungus Botrytis cinerea, increase the average weight of berries and maximize the yield of standard products.


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