Keywords: common hyssop, drip irrigation, mineral fertilizers, complex specialized, universal microfertilizers, yield, quality indicators, economic efficiency.


Purpose. The article is devoted to highlighting the results of scientific research conducted during 2020–2021, the purpose of which was to establish the influence of ecological and agrotechnical growing conditions on the productivity of the medicinal hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis L.) culture under drip irrigation on the black soil of the southern Steppe of Ukraine, as well as the development, scientific justification and implementation of agrotechnical methods of their cultivation for the southern region of Ukraine. Methods: general scientific (dialectical – observation of the dynamics of growth and development of culture; method of hypotheses – scheme of research; method of analysis – study of the object of research; method of synthesis – formation of conclusions, recommendations for production; method of abstraction – theoretical generalization of research; calculation method – establishment of economic and energy efficiency of measures) and special (field method – study of the relationship of the object with biotic and abiotic factors in the specific conditions of the research area; laboratory methods: morphophysiological – biometric parameters of plants; chemical – chemical composition of grain and soil; physical – physical soil and seed indicators; statistical methods: comparative-calculation – economic efficiency of cultivation technologies. Statistical, calculation and comparative-calculation methods were used to generalize and process experimental data: dispersion, correlation and regression analyses. Research results. In the conditions of the arid climate of the Mykolaiv region and temperature fluctuations over the years, an important direction for introducing and increasing the productivity of essential oil crops is the use of irrigation and nutrition elements. Thus, the drip method of irrigation and treatment of plantings with biologics creates optimal conditions for the growth and development of Hyssopus officinalis L. The most developed plants of common hyssop were recorded on the background of N90P90 and treatment of plants in the phases of branching and budding with Combi Helafite. In this variant, the largest number of stems per plant was counted (59 PCs. The height of the plants was 71.4 cm, the diameter of the Bush was 66 cm, and the water consumption for the formation of a unit of yield of flower mass was the lowest (584 m3/t). The yield of hyssop for the best option was 7.92 t/ha, the yield of essential oil was 95.04 kg/ha, profitability reached 224.3% and conditionally net profit was 72,304 thousand UAH/ha at the cost of 1 kg of essential oil as 339 UAH. Conclusions. According to the results of the research, it is recommended for the production of dripirrigated hyssop of the medicinal Marquis variety on the chernozems of the southern steppes of Ukraine, in order to increase productivity, quality and economic indicators, to use mineral fertilizers with a dose of N90P90 and to carry out two foliar feedings with the drug Helafit combi in the phase of branching and budding of the culture.


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