Aim. To determine the agrochemical properties of podzolic chernozem of the Right Bank Forest-Steppe in a short grain rotation with different doses of nitrogen fertilizers and their combination with other types of mineral fertilizers in the background of plowing the non-marketable part of the crop into the soil. Methods. Field, statistical, analysis. Results. The effect of different doses of nitrogen fertilizers and their combinations with phosphorus and potassium ones in field crop rotation under the conditions of a stationary field experiment on the agrochemical properties of podzolic chernozem, the yield of winter wheat, corn, spring barley, and soybeans was studied. Research scheme includes nine variants of combinations and separate application of nitrogen fertilizers, including no treatment. It has been established that under different agrochemicals there are slight changes in the CEC of the soil, but its structural restructuring is taking place. In the variants with nitrogen fertilizers application, the physico-chemical parameters of the soil deteriorated. In unfertilized areas, the nitrogen content of easily hydrolyzable compounds in the soil decreased by 10% compared to the base value, and with the application of N110 per 1 ha of crop rotation on a phosphorus-potassium background (P30K40) – increased by 9%. Nitrogen fertilizers on the phosphorus-potassium background (Р30К40) at a dose of 110 kg/ha of active ingredient helped to increase the yield of winter wheat, corn, spring barley, and soybeans by 58; 62; 28 and 28%, respectively, and crop rotation productivity as a whole – by 47%. Conclusions. The fertilization intensity of grain crop rotation had an effect on the cation exchange capacity of the soil. In areas with only nitrogen fertilizers or their combination with potassium fertilizers, it was acidified to pH 5.4. Hydrolytic acidity in all experiment variants, except for the control one, increased significantly to 3.06–3.84 mol/ kg. The application of mineral fertilizers changed the cation exchange capacity of the soil within insignificant limits – 26.2–27.3 mol/kg. The saturation of the CEC with bases decreased to 85.3–89.5% (according to the indicator before starting the experiment, it was 89.9%) and significantly depended on fertilization with ammonium nitrate.
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