Purpose of the research is to identify the effect of inoculation and fertilizer, growth stimulants on the growth, development of plants and the formation of the productivity of Merkur soybean plants in specific soil and climatic conditions. Methods. The studies were carried out during 2019–2020 on typical low-humus chernozems in the conditions of the Kyiv region. Two-factor experience, factor A – fertilizer and application against the background of the main fertilizer of the complex of growth stimulants Gulliver Stimulus (ВВСН 13-15; ВВСН 51-55), factor B – inoculation of Nitrofix P (dry inoculant for soybeans). Results. As a result of the research, a relationship was established between the leaf surface area of soybean plants and the application rates of mineral fertilizers. The leaf surface area of crops reached its maximum values in the phase of full seed filling (ВВСН 79) in the variant with N20Р52K52 + Gulliver Stimul fertilizer (ВВСН 13-15; ВВСН 51-55) – 43.5 thousand m2/ha. Inoculation contributed to the increase in this indicator to 44.1 thousand m2/ha. Soybean crops formed a dry matter, the indicators of which varied in the range from 5.75-6.89 t/ ha for the period of full filling of seeds (ВВСН 79). In indicators, a similar dynamics was traced to indicators of the area of the leaf surface of the crop. Variants without seed inoculation were characterized by yield indicators, which, on average, over the years of research varied depending on the fertilizer variant from 2.07 to 2.90 t/ha. The use of seed inoculation with Nitrofix P ensured its increase against the background of variants without inoculation and made it possible to obtain indicators that varied from 2.23 to 2.90 t/ ha. The highest yield of soybean plants was formed in the variant with the application of N20Р52K52 + Gulliver Stimulus (ВВСН 13-15; ВВСН 51-55) and inoculation with Nitrofix P, which averaged 2.90 t/ha over the years of research. Based on the correlation-regression analysis, a linear relationship was established between fertilizer options and the current productivity of the crop. Conclusions. Consequently, the growth and development, as well as the yield of soybean variety Mercur, was significantly affected by seed inoculation before sowing with Nitrofix P. The maximum leaf surface area was obtained in the phase of full seed filling (ВВСН 79) – 44.1 thousand m2/ha during presowing seed treatment inoculant Nitrofix P and fertilization N20Р52K52 + Gulliver Stimulus with a photosynthetic potential of 2.283 million m2 days/ha and a dry matter accumulation of 6.89 t/ha. The greatest increase in the yield of soybean crops (0.83 t/ha) was obtained in the N20Р52K52 + Gulliver Stimul option and inoculation with Nitrofix P compared to other options. Based on the correlation-regression analysis, both without inoculation and with inoculation, a linear relationship was established, which is characterized by a close correlation between soybean yield and fertilizer options.
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