Keywords: hybrids, pigments, retardant, synthesis, sunflower, cultivation technology, fertilizers, chlorophyll.


Purpose of the research was to identify patterns of changes in the content of green chlorophyll pigments in sunflower leaves of different varieties under the influence of nutritional conditions of the culture and the retardant during the growing season in specific soil and climatic conditions. Methods. The study was carried out in a separate division of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine "Agronomic Experimental Station" in the Kyiv region. The field experiment was carried out in the stationary field crop rotation of the department of plant breeding on typical low-humus chernozems with a humus content of 4.37%. Three-factor experience, factor A – sunflower hybrids, factor B – application rates of mineral fertilizers calculated by the balance method for the planned crop, C – application of the Setar retardant. Results. With the growth and development of the sunflower hybrids we studied, an increase in the content of chlorophyll a and b was noted. As a result of the studies, it was found that the most intensive synthesis of pigments was observed during the passage of microstages of sunflower plants ВВСН 64-68. The content of chlorophyll a varied at this stage depending on the fertilizer variant from 4.34 to 6.77 mg/1 g of dry matter, the content of chlorophyll b from 1.61 to 2.25 mg/1 g of dry matter. The use of the retardant Setar led to an increase in the content of chlorophylls a to 4.45-6.84 mg/1 g of dry matter, b – 1.72-2.34 mg/1 g of dry matter. Conclusions. The use of fertilizers had a positive effect on the content of chlorophylls a and b in the leaves of sunflower plants of all hybrids studied. The maximum values of the content of these pigments were achieved in the hybrid Wollf (ВВСН 64-68) in the variant with the introduction of N85P110K110. The use of Setar retardant had a positive effect on the content of pigments.


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