Estimation of ecological condition of rural residential areas in the conditions of sustainable development

Keywords: rural settlements, drinking water, pH, nitrates, total iron, hardness, drinking water status, ecological status of the territory


Purpose. The aim of the study was to assess the state of ecological development of rural settlements of the united territorial communities of Zhytomyr district on the basis of indicators of drinking water quality sources of decentralized water supply to ensure their sustainable development. Methods. Analytical (analysis of literature on the studied issues), field (sampling of drinking water from sources of decentralized water supply), laboratory (determination of pH, nitrates, total iron and hardness in drinking water), statistical (comparison of the obtained results) were used during the research. with standards of quality indicators) and calculation (calculation of ecological status of rural residential areas according to indicators of drinking water quality) methods. Results. It was found that the average pH value was within the current standard, which indicates an excellent ecological condition for this indicator. According to the average content of nitrates in drinking water, which in all studied communities exceeded the standard from 1.4 to 3.5 times, the ecological status was assessed only in one point. Exceeding the current standard by 1.9 times the average concentration of total iron was found only in rural settlements of the Lyubar community. Satisfactory water quality, in terms of total iron content, was recorded in 50% of the studied communities. In the territories of 70% of the studied communities, the average value of total hardness was recorded at a level of more than 7.0 mmol/dm3, which indicates, in accordance with European legislation, the poor condition of drinking water. Findings. Thus, assessing the ecological condition of rural areas on the indicators of drinking water quality, it was found that most of the studied communities have a satisfactory condition of the territories, as the total number of points varied between 2.25-3.3 points. And the greatest contribution to reducing the level of ecological development of rural settlements is made by indicators of nitrate content in drinking water and its hardness.


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