Inheritance of resistance to mildew (Blumeria graminis F. sp. tritici Bgt.) hybrids of winter wheat of various ecological and genetic origin under irrigation

Keywords: winter wheat, hybrids, powdery mildew, infestation, stability, grain yield


The purpose of the article is to establish the nature ofthe inheritance of the trait “resistance (damage) to powderymildew” in hybrids of soft winter wheat, created with thehelp of late-maturing specimens of the Western Europeanecotype, and also to establish correlations of resistance topowdery mildew with the duration of the interphase period“flowering – grain ripeness” and grain yield of elite breedingfamilies. Methods. Field studies were conducted at theInstitute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academyof Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine in 2016–2021. The objectof research was modern varieties of winter wheat of theInstitute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academyof Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, collection samples ofWestern European ecotype, which were introduced fromFrance (registration numbers Kf №…-16) and hybridscreated with their participation. Results. Resistanceto powdery mildew of the parent components of theintroduced samples ranged from 65,7 to 90,3%. Most of theintroduced cultivars were inferior to domestic ones in termsof resistance, which may be due to the longer vegetationperiod and the extension of the infectious load during this period. The greatest resistance to powdery mildewof Western European varieties was observed in Kf5-16,Kf2-16, which corresponded to the level of resistance ofdomestic varieties Ovid, Ledia. Among domestic varieties,the varieties Ovidіі and Ledia were characterized by thehighest resistance (91,2…91,3%), such varieties arecharacterized as “stable” (75…90%) and occupy the middleposition between “high resistance” (90…100%) and “weaksusceptibility” (60…75%). Hybrids of the first generation(F1) inherited the trait mainly by intermediate type anddominance of resistance. True heterosis was shown by2 combinations out of 12, and the degree of heterosis wasvery low (100,3…102,0%), which indicates a polygenic typeof heredity and no effect of cumulative action of resistancealleles and heterosis effect. Conclusions. Assessmentsof selected families for powdery mildew (resistance) topowdery mildew (Blumeria graminis F. sp. Tritici Bgt.)in hybrid populations of soft winter wheat, timing ofdevelopment phases and grain yield in breeding nurseriesallowed to determine the level of links between individualcharacteristics and identify the most important markers forselection and adjustment of the model variety.


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