Investigation of the manifestation of economically valuable characteristics of the source material of alfalfa blue hybrid and the creation of varieties with high forage and seed productivity for forest-steppe conditions
The article presents the results of studying breeding samples of alfalfa blue hybrid on the main economic and biological characteristics. The selection of the best samples, which combine high forage and seed productivity, and targeted crosses to combine all important genetic factors in one genotype. In the nursery of free re-pollination of breeding numbers, a number of combinations were made to create synthetic populations, which consist of several components, due to the hybridization of which a certain effect of heterosis in a number of subsequent generations is maintained. The estimation of selection material on the studied generations is given. Samples of alfalfa blue hybrid, which significantly exceeded the standard varieties for a set of economically valuable traits and properties, were identified. Promising samples for elements of fodder and seed productivity, which can be included in the selection process to create the source material, are identified. It has been established that the selection of plants with evaluation by offspring, followed by the formation of synthetics by combining the reserves of seeds of plants with high overall combining ability is one of the main methods of selection of alfalfa blue hybrid. Fodder (green mass and dry matter) and seed productivity of synthetic populations of alfalfa blue hybrid were studied. As a promising material in breeding for increased seed productivity, it is proposed to use a breeding sample Syn 658, and for increased forage productivity – Syn 677. Detected and created source material with increased forage and seed productivity undergoes further field evaluation and breeding in breeding nurseries Nosivka breeding and research station. Studies of the economic value of the source material of alfalfa blue hybrid and the results of comparative testing of breeding samples for a set of valuable traits and properties give grounds for their use as a promising source material in creating high-yielding synthetic varieties, and breeding variety Syn 658 named Persia In 2020 it was transferred to the State Variety Testing Network.
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