Efficiency of growing and processing of winter rape for biodiesel
The purpose is to research the technology of cultivation of winter rape and determination of economic expediency of processing on biodiesel. Methods. In the course of the research a set of general scientific and special methods was used: economic analysis – in determining the efficiency of rapeseed processing into biodiesel; analysis and synthesis – with a combination of components of technology of cultivation and processing in a single process; graphic – with a visual display of individual indicators of rapeseed processing; deductive – in the theoretical understanding of the problem and clarification of certain concepts; inductive – in the collection, systematization and processing of information. Results. The technologies of rapeseed cultivation in the conditions of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine have been studied. The advantages of the Excel hybrid focused on biodiesel production are determined. The possibility of practical use of biodiesel on the example of a twocomponent engine power supply system with diesel and biodiesel fuel, which is used as part of a diesel generator set in providing autonomous power supply to agricultural facilities. It is determined that taking into account the prices for diesel fuel and its constant shortage on the market, the cost of processing rapeseed into biodiesel is quite competitive. Conclusions. Established in the conditions of the experimental field of VNAU, the most dangerous pests of the generative organs of winter rape are rapeseed flower beetle, rapeseed seed latent octopus and cabbage pod mosquito. To improve the system of growing rapeseed for biodiesel, it is most expedient to use the Excel hybrid with sowing in August and September and using the method of growing winter rapeseed developed in Vinnytsia National Agrarian University in the conditions of the Right Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. It is proved that the processing of cultivated rapeseed for biodiesel according to the developed model will allow agricultural formations to meet their own needs in fuel resources and partly in fodder in the livestock industry (rapeseed meal) and reduce energy dependence of Ukraine’s economy.
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