Formation of sowing properties of buckwheat seeds depending on pre-sowing treatment
Seeds with high sowing properties have always been a priority among farmers. Healthy seeds are the key to good and friendly shoots, which in turn gives very good rates for obtaining a high yield. Pre-sowing treatment with biological preparations is one of the ways to improve the sowing properties of seeds. Therefore, the purpose of the research was to determine the influence of pre-sowing treatment of seeds with biological growth stimulants of Ukrainian production “Evkovit-seeds” and “Biolan” on the formation of sowing properties of seeds of two varieties of buckwheat Malva and Ukrainka. Methods. In the laboratory and field conditions, a two-factor experiment was laid in a quadruple re-production. Seeds were observed for seven days and basic indicators were calculated. These include: quality, friendliness and energy of germination, laboratory and field germination. As the results of studies, there was determinate a positive effect of both of these indicators to both varieties. The germination rate of the preparation “Ekovit-seeds” increased in the variety Malva by 6%. A significant excess of control options was observed when studying the impact on germination friendliness indicators (an increase of 45–48%). The greatest influence of growth biostimulants was observed in determining laboratory similarity. Moreover, on all options with processing, it was 100% and was 5–6% higher than the control options. It can also be noted that the treatment with preparations contributed to an increase in the field germination of buckwheat seeds by an average of 4–6%. Conclusions. So, in order to obtain friendly and healthy seedlings of plants, it is possible to recommend pre-seed treatment of buckwheat seeds of Ukrainian selection with organic growth stimulants “Ekovit-seeds” and Biolan. The greatest effect of the preparations appeared in the indicators of germination friendliness and seed germination.
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