Typology of man-caused disturbed lands under solid waste landfills, taking into account local features
Municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills are mostlybordering on rural areas and may cause deterioration of soil ecotoxicology, surface and groundwater quality andagricultural products, but the question of assessing theiractual impact on adjacent areas, including agricultural land,taking into account local areas. Therefore, the purpose ofthis work was to substantiate the methodological principlesof assessing the impact of man-made disturbed landsunder landfills on agricultural land, taking into account localcharacteristics and to classify landfills by level of danger, toform priority areas for restoration and return of agriculturalland. from the degree and type of soil pollution. Methods.During the performance of the work the computationalcomparative,mathematical-statistical, computationalcomparativemethod and methods of system analysis werecomprehensively used.The impact of technogenic disturbed lands onagricultural lands at the regional (on the example of Poltavaregion) and local (on the example of Sencha village councilof Lokhvytsia district of Poltava region) was assessed, theclassification of landfills by level of danger was carried outdisturbed lands under landfills and minimize their impacton agricultural land. Based on the expert assessment ofman-caused disturbed areas under landfills, their impact onagricultural land on the example of Sencha village councilof Lokhvytsya district of Poltava region, an algorithm forselecting priority priority measures to return agriculturalland to agricultural use has been developed. The results ofthese studies can be used to assess and reduce the negativeimpact of man-made contaminated land under landfills onthe environment in order to restore these areas and returnthem to economic use in the context of environmental, foodsecurity and sustainable agro-ecosystems. Conclusions.Thus, the proposed expert method of assessing the impactof man-made disturbed lands on agricultural land, takinginto account local features allows to classify landfills by levelof danger and to form priority areas for restoration of theseareas according to the degree and type of soil pollution.
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