Total water consumption and evaporation of sugar beets in the South of Ukraine

Keywords: weather conditions, sugar beet, water consumption, growing season, growth and development of culture


Purpose is the determination of indicators of average daily evaporation by decades of the vegetation period taking into account the natural moisture content of years of research for theoretical substantiation and practical implementation of a new calculation method of planning and operational management of agricultural irrigation cultures. Methods: field, laboratory, statistical. Results. A comparison of the indicators of total and average daily evaporation of sugar beets in different weather conditions shows that a significant difference in the calculated indicators is observed in May and the first half of June, as well as at the end of the growing season. It is estimated that at the beginning of the growing season in the middle humid and humid years, the decadal and daily water consumption is much higher than in the middle and middle dry years. This is due to the fact that in wet and medium-wet years in May and the first decade of June fell an average of 127 mm of precipitation, with a long-term 51.5 mm, and in medium and medium dry years 50.5 and 45.5 mm, respectively. Conclusion. It is established that the average daily evaporation of sugar beets from the soil layer 0–50 cm in the wet and middle years of its maximum reaches 7–8 decades of the growing season and averages 53.7 and 57.3 m3 / ha, respectively. In dry years, the highest 58.2 m3/ha, this figure is between 70 and 80 days of growth and development of culture. Regarding the soil layer 0–100 cm, it is proved that in wet years the plants consume moisture most intensively during 60 to 80 days of the growing season. In the middle and dry years, the maximum rates of average daily evaporation were found in the period from 8 to 9 decades. In addition, the most rapid growth of this indicator was found in wet and dry years, while in the average growth and decline in evaporation by decades of growth and development was slower.


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