Impact of methods of basic tillage and sideral fertilizers on winter barley yield in cultivation under irrigation
The article presents the results of experimental studies regarding the formation of elements of productivity and yield of winter barley in short-term crop rotation under irrigation with different methods and depths of the main tillage and fertilization using postharvest residues of the predecessor and green manure. Goal. Investigate the impact of basic tillage methods, sowing in uncultivated soil, and fertilization with the use of postharvest green manure in intermediate crops of short-term crop rotation on the formation of elements of productivity and yield of winter barley under irrigation. Methods. Field, quantitative-weight, visual, laboratory, calculationcomparative, mathematical-statistical methods with the use of research methods and methodological recommendations generally accepted in Ukraine were used during the research. Results. It was found that fertilizer systems had a greater influence on the formation of winter barley harvest than the methods of basic tillage. Within the same fertilizer systems, the difference in the levels of winter barley yield on the variants of different methods of basic tillage was insignificant, except for sowing in uncultivated soil, where there was a decrease in barley yield relative to control (differentiated system of basic tillage) by 0.27–0.53 tons/ha (NIR05 = 0.36 t/ha). The highest yield of winter barley at the level of 6.96 t/ha with the lowest cost and the highest profit of 34485 UAH/ ha along with a level of profitability of 242.8% was obtained by disk (12–14 cm) tillage in the system of its long-term use and N120P40 fertilizer system using post-harvest green manure on the background of N180P40 fertilizer application under the predecessor (corn). Conclusions. The highest yield of winter barley at the level of 6.96 t / ha with the lowest cost and the highest profit of 34485 UAH / ha with a level of profitability of 242.8% was obtained by disk (12-14 cm) tillage in the system of long-term use and fertilizer system N120P40 using post-harvest green manure on the background of N180P40 fertilizer application under the predecessor (corn).
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