Ecological technologies for growing winter wheat using mixtures of growth regulators and complex fertilizers
Purpose. The purpose of our research was to determine the effectiveness of seed and vegetation treatments with the growth regulator Vimpel‑2 and fertilizer Oracul multicomplex for the growth, developmen t and productivity of winter wheat. Research methods: field, laboratory, mathematical and statistical, computational and comparative methods. Results. One of the important tasks of agriculture is to ensure stable yields of one of the most valuable food crops ‒ wheat. Today, every year the area under wheat crops is reduced and replaced by crops such as corn and sunflower, which leads to an imbalance in crop rotation and the environment as a whole. One of the ways to solve the problem of reducing the sown area of cereals is to improve and improve the technology of cultivation, which will promote productivity and unleash the genetic potential of varieties of both domestic and foreign breeding centers and fully ensure environmental safety. An important element of grain growing technologies is the successful optimization of the plant nutrition system during the growing season, given the soil's supply of macronutrients and micronutrients. Achieving a high level of productivity of winter wheat is possible by introducing into the technology of growing drugs of natural and synthetic spectrum that can increase the adaptive properties of plants to environmental conditions, stimulate growth, development, nutrition and assimilation of soil elements. Therefore, the issue of improving the existing nutrition system of winter wheat requires experimental research and search for optimization of agronomic measures in the cultivation of productive varieties of domestic selection, considering soil and climatic conditions, adaptive properties, genetic potential and other factors that will ensure high crop productivity. The article presents the results of introduction of components of greening of winter wheat cultivation technology, in particular the efficiency of application of growth regulator Vimpel‑2 in the norm of 500 g/ha and fertilizer Oracul multicomplex in the norm of 2 l/ha. The efficiency of the mixture in the spring tillering phase was proved, which significantly increased the yield of winter wheat in comparison with the control and amounted to 14,6%. Conclusions. The results of field research indicate the effectiveness of the recommended elements of greening the winter wheat fertilizer system, and to increase the productivity of winter wheat it is necessary to stimulate plant growth and development with drugs mixed with complex fertilizers for early vegetation treatments in the spring tillering phase, namely Vimpel‑2 (500 g/ha) + Oracul multicomplex (2 l/ha).
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