Influence of tomato grafting method on its productivity in film greenhouses
The priority trend at present stage of vegeculture development is to obtain high-quality, environmentally friendly products in combination with the development and implementation of new agronomic methods of cultivation. Moreover, promising methods are those that can significantly expand the range of crops grown, the ultimate goal of which is to diversify the diet of the population. Currently, the search for new highly efficient and environmentally friendly technologies for growing vegetable plants is promising, and biological methods of influencing the plant organism become increasingly important. One of such methods is the use of rootstock. The objective The aim of the work was to develop elements of tomato cultivation technology using different methods is the use of rootstock, which ensure the resistance of plants to diseases and increase their yield in film greenhouses. Methods. The experiments were performed in film greenhouses in the winter-spring crop rotation. Results. Growing tomatoes of indeterminate type of growth in protected soil IV light zone of Ukraine is a priority, as such plants provide strong vegetative growth and development, high remontancy, uniform yield, and easy to form. At the same time, indeterminate hybrids are unsuitable for film greenhouses, where you want to get products in the short term of the growing season. For film greenhouses in the conditions of the IV light zone of Ukraine, precocious semi-determinant hybrids are required, which have a high frequency of inflorescence laying, are suitable for thickened plantings and provide rational use of the greenhouse volume. In addition, such plants are better adapted to low light conditions. For these reasons, they can be planted in the winter-spring turnover of unheated film greenhouses in late March and early April. The best solution to combine the dominant traits of tomato with determinant and indeterminate types of growth is to use different methods of plant grafting. The studied hybrids with limited type of development were represented by plants with a height of the main stem from 98,7 to 124,0 cm. variant with grafting of F1 hybrid Ronda in the split, and with the determinant with grafting of hybrid F1 Dual Large method of fusion, with signs of early fruiting. Conclusions. As a result of experimental studies, it was found that the largest fruits, weighing 267,0 g were observed in the hybrid F1 Dual Large methods is the use of rootstock, slightly less than the fruit 211,0‑223,0 g in the hybrid F1 Ronda when grafting. Other grafted hybrids have an average fruit weight of 193,0 to 198,0 g, which is 19,0‑22.0% more than the control. Fruits of the highest quality form F1 Ronda hybrids methods is the use of rootstock of splicing (95% of standard); F1 Ronda splitting method (90.6% of standard) and F1 Dual Large splitting method (91.8% of standard).
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