The effect of live Chlorella suspension on regenerative capacity of the components of grape grafting

Keywords: rootstock cuttings, graft cuttings, circular callus, callus weight, Chlorella vulgaris Beijer., the factor of stimulating efficiency


Purpose. Investigate the effect live Chlorellasuspension on the completeness of the callus formation.Methods. The research was carried out in the Departmentof Nursery, Reproduction and Biotechnology of Grapesof the National Scientific Centre “V.Ye. Tairov Instituteof Viticulture and Winemaking” NAAS. The subject of the research were grape cuttings of rootstock varietiesRR 101-14, Kober 5 BB, Dobrynia and grafted varietiesOriginal, Yarilo. The grape cuttings were soaked inaqueous Chlorella suspension solutions. Two Chlorellastrains: pure and enriched with germanium were usedin the work. Results. It is shown that the soaking ofthe grape cuttings in aqueous solutions of live Chlorellasuspension generally induced intensive and uniformcallus formation. The best results were obtained aftertreatment of Chlorella vulgaris Beijer. suspension dilutedin the ratio 1:5 in comparison with control. In the abovevariants 72,6–88,0% grape cuttings had circular callus onaverage by varieties. The number of cuttigs with circularcallus was decreased on average by 6,8–10,4% ascompared to previous variant (Chlorella vulgaris Beijer.,diluted in the ratio 1:5), though the number of cuttigswith circular callus was larger on average by 14,2 –21,4% as compared to control. A larger weight of moistand dry callus was noted in these variants. The callusweight was 65,3 – 93,2% (rootstock cuttings) and 65,8 –84,2% (grafted cuttigs) more as compared to control. Thefactor of stimulating efficiency that was determined inresearch work confirms the advantages of these variants.Conclusions. The stimulating effect of the live Chlorellaon callus-producing ability of the grape components ofgrafting was established as a result of research. It isshown the soaking of grape cuttings in solutions of theboth Chlorella vulgaris Beijer. strains, diluted in the ratio1:5, induced growth of uniform circular callus with largerweight. The last factors are the main ones for successfulgrafting and formation of grape graft.


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