Yield of common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) depending on inoculation and fertilizer in the conditions of Transcarpathia of Ukraine
The purpose of the article is to establish the peculiarities of the formation of productivity of beans of Mavka, Perlyna, Nadiya varieties depending on the norm of mineral fertilizers application and seed inoculation on sod-podzolic soils of Transcarpathia of Ukraine. Methods. The study was performed in a separate department of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine “Mukachevo Vocational College” in the Transcarpathian region. The field experiment was included in the stationary field crop rotation of the college on sod-podzolic heavy loam soils with a humus content of 1,9%. The experiment is three-factor, factor A – zoned medium-ripe varieties of common beans, factor B – rates of mineral fertilizers, calculated by the balance method for the planned harvest, factor C – inoculation of seeds. Results. It was found that inoculation of seeds provided an increase in grain yield from 1,3 to 16,3% depending on the variety and fertilizers It was noted that the higher the rate of fertilizer application, the lower the percentage increase in bean yield due to inoculation. Application of mineral fertilizers in the N90P60K30 norm without seed inoculation contributed to the increase of bean yield to 2,34 t/ha in Mavka variety, 2,45 t/ha in Perlyna variety and 2,15 t/ha in Nadiya variety. When inoculated with Rhizobophyte seeds, the higher yield of beans was formed by applying N60P40K20 fertilizers and reached 2,54 t/ha in Mavka variety, 2,63 t/ha in Perlyna variety and 2,36 t/ha in Nadiya variety. Conclusions. On sod-podzolic heavy loam soils of Transcarpathia for combination of inoculation of seeds with Rhizobophyte (200 g/ha) and mineral fertilizers in the norm N60P40K20 medium-ripe varieties Perlyna and Mavka form yields above 2,5 t/ha.
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