The characteristics of tillage methods under maize cultivation
In recent years, Ukraine has increasingly increased its leadership in the export of agricultural crops, including grain corn. Thus, for the last five years (2015–2020) the area under cultivation has been growing every year, but the yield has been constantly varying. Although the main factors influencing yields are agro-climatic conditions, fertilizers and timely application of plant protection products, however, the soil tillage also plays an important role. Among the most popular methods of tillage in Ukraine are plowing, Strip-till and No-till, however, others are usually practiced. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. Because the choice of a particular tillage directly affects the yield and quality of products grown. Therefore, the aim of this article is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of tillage in terms of the impact on crop yields, dry matter content in plants, as well as the impact on the physical properties of the soil using scientific literature around the world. Results. The positive influence of traditional (plowing) tillage technologies on corn yield and dry matter content in plants is highlighted. However, data on the impact on the physical properties of the soil are quite contradictory. Depending on the soil, climatic conditions, fertilizers, etc. the effect of tillage on the physical properties of the soil varies considerably. This question has been particularly well studied by Chinese scientists. Therefore, it is impossible to unambiguously identify tillage that would be ideal for growing grain corn. However, some researchers believe that the physical properties of the soil are best influenced by minimal tillage. Each of the treatments affects the analyzed parameters in its own way. Therefore, each farm should choose the main tillage for corn based on the end result it seeks to obtain.
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