• N.P. KOSENKO Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine


The purpose. To set the productivity and quality of seed of beetroot at the different methods of growing on south of Ukraine is the purpose of researches. Methods. Experiment in the field, laboratory, mathematic and statis-tical analysis. Results. It is established that at the trans-planting method of seed production of planting scheme landing doesn't influence on the seed productivity of beet-root of sort of Bordeaux Kharkov. The application of calcula-tion norm of fertilizers of N120Р90К60 assists the increase of seed production on 26,1%. Increase of density of stand-ing of seed plants from 28 to 42 thus./ha gives the increase to the productivity of seed on 16,1%. At the direct method the productivity of seed at sowing in the first ten-day period of September was in 1,9 time more than at sow-ing in the second ten-day period of September. At shel-ter of plants a straw the productivity makes 0,72 t/ha, by mulching agrofiber – 0,73 t/ha, that in two times more than without shelter. The comparative estimation of sowing qual-ity of seed showed at the different methods of seed produc-tion, that mass 1000 of seed was practically at one level of a 19,58–19,60 g, germination of seed – 93,26–93,30 %. The value of index of energy of germination of seed at the transplanting method was more on 6,2 % than at the direct method of seed growing (65,7%). For mainte-nance of optimal density of standing of plants and forming of high harvests of seed it is necessary to cover plants on a winter. Conclusions. Value of the productivity of seed at the transplanting method on the average for three years was 1,24– 2,05 t/ha, at direct method – 1,0–1,19 t/ha. At the transplanting method the seed productivity of one plant made from 43 to 64 g, at the direct method – 24–35 g. The elements of technology don’t render substantial influence on quality of seed. 


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