Dependence of technical length of hemp stem on seeding rate and variety
The purpose of the research is to establish the efficiency of seeding rates and the significance of the variety in terms of the influence on the parameters of the technical length of hemp stem in the process of crop growing technology. Methods. The research was performed during 2018–2020 at the Higher Educational Institution “Podillia State University” in the terms of Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. During the research such scientific methods were used as field, laboratory, observation, analysis, statistical, concretization, generalization. Factors of influence are involved in performance of field researches: factor A – seeding rates: variants – 1,2; 1.8; 2.4; 3.0; 3.6 million units/ha; factor B – hemp varieties of the Institute of Bast Cultures of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine: variants – YUSO-31, Gliana, Glesia. The row spacing of experimental crops is 15 cm. The location of technical hemp plots is systematized. Number of repetitions – four times. To establish the reliability of the differences it has been used comparative statistical mathematical analysis based on Studentʼs criterion at the level of reliable probability P0.95. Results. Seeding rates, as a factor of technological nature in the management of the parameters of the linear dimensions of hemp plants are among the effective factors for influencing the size of the technical length of the stem. The significance of the biological factor, ie the dependence of the technical length of the stem on the variety, has also been established. Conclusions. The influence of factor A on the regularity of increasing the seeding rate within the involved variants is established 1,2; 1.6; 2.4; 3.0 and 3.6 million units/ha, which contributes to the development of plants significant changes in the parameters of the technical length of the stem. On the average on experiment according to the specified variants of the factor indicators of 160 cm are established; 167; 173; 178 and 182 cm. The specified parameter for the variety Glesia is 167 cm, which is significantly less than the varieties YUSO-31 and Gliana values, which were 174 and 175 cm, respectively.
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