Formation of leaf apparatus of sunflower hybrids and efficiency of its functioning under the influence of fertilizer

Keywords: sunflower, hybrids, cultivation technology, feeding conditions, fertilizers, leaf surface area, yield, correlation


Purpose of the research is establishment the influenceof cultivation conditions and selection of high-yieldinghybrids (RJT Marllen, Wolf, Alzan, ES Monalysa) forspecific soil and climatic conditions through the formation oftheir productivity. Methods. The research was performed ina separate subdivision of the National University of Life andEnvironmental Sciences of Ukraine “Agronomic ResearchStation” in Kyiv region. The field experiment was includedin the stationary field crop rotation of the Department ofCrop Production on typical low-humus chernozems witha humus content of 4.32%. Field experiment was twofactor:factor A – sunflower hybrids, factor B – rates ofmineral fertilizers, that calculated by the balance methodfor the planned yield. Results. As a result of the conductedresearch, the dependence between the leaf surface areaof sunflower hybrids and the norms of mineral fertilizersapplication was established. The maximum values ofthe leaf surface area of sunflower hybrids were achieved48.5 thousand m2/ha in hybrid “Wolf” at microstages BBCH64–68 on the variant of fertilizer N85P110K110. Conclusions. Based on regression analysis, it was found that changesin the area of the assimilating surface are characterizedby polynomial dependence with the maximum value forapplication rates N85P110K110. The application of fertilizershad a positive effect on the formation of the productivityof sunflower hybrids. Seed yield in hybrid Wolf varied from2.52 to 3.21 t/ha, while that was 2.44–3.19 t/ha in hybridES Monalysa, 2.25–3.11 t/ha in RJT Marllen, 2.21–2.96 t/hain Alzan. Linear relationship between fertilizer variants andthe formed yield of hybrids studied was established bycorrelation-regression analysis.


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