Boytsenyuk H.I. Peculiarities of the duration of the vegetation period of the gene pool samples for cotton Gossypium hirsutum L. in the conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine
Purpose. The aim is to identify genetic sources based on the length of the growing season from the gene pool of cotton samples for use in the selection process, forming on their basis basic, special feature, educational, genetic and working collections for implementation in theoretical and applied research, educational programs, examination institutions. Methods. The subject of research were samples of cotton collection nursery. As a standard used precocious medium-fiber variety Dnieper 5 selection of the Institute of Irrigated Agriculture NAAS. Results. The issues of studying the peculiarities of the duration of the growing season of samples of the gene pool of cotton Gossypium hirsutum L. in the conditions of the South of Ukraine are covered. Based on many years of research, the collection has identified genetic sources on the basis of "duration of the growing season", including ultra-early 10 forms and 12 early-maturing, which are offered for use as valuable sources for further use in the formation of basic, special features. educational, genetic and working collections for the purpose of introduction in theoretical and applied researches in selection process, in educational programs of educational institutions, institutions of examination. Conclusions. As a result of many years of research on the gene pool of cotton, genetic sources have been identified on the basis of "length of the growing season": ultra-early, including: UF0800031 Pidozersky 4, UF0800029 L 417u, UF0800026 Population 2, UF0800188 Population 3 opr. UF0800105 144F (UZB); UF0800066 Thrace, UF0800165 Interspecific hybrid W64 (BGR) and precocious specimens: UF UF0800283 L 191/13, UF0800027 Population 3, which are offered for use as valuable sources for further use in the formation on their basis of basic, special traits, educational, genetic and working collections for implementation in theoretical and applied research in the selection process, in educational curricula institutions, examination institutions.
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