Formation of elements of crop structure by corn hybrids for silage under the influence of macro and microfertilizers
The aim is to determine the influence of macro and microfertilizers on the formation of crop structure elements by maize hybrids for growing on silage. Methods. The research was conducted in 2019–2021 at the Limited Liability Agricultural Company «Korobivsky Poultry Farm» in the Andrushivskyi district of the Zhytomyr region. The experiment was repeated four times. Soil – common (ordinary) chernozem medium loamy. Placement of options is systematic. The area of the accounting plot is 184 m2. Agricultural techniques for growing corn for silage were generally accepted for the conditions of the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine, except for the factors was studied. Results. The application of macrofertilizers and the use of microfertilizers at different stages of organogenesis had a positive effect on the growth and development of plants of medium-early and medium-ripe hybrids of corn. The use of N90Р60К60 and N120Р90К90 provided an increase the weight of the whole plant by 12.7–30.8%, and microfertilizers by 0.7–2.8%, compared to the variants without their introduction. Under the influence of macrofertilizers, the share of leaves and stems in the total weight of the plant decreases by 0.3-0.8%, and from the use of microfertilizers by 0.1-0.3%. When N90Р60К60 and N120Р90К90 are applied, the share of grain in the total structure of plants increases by 0.3–1.2%, and from the use of microfertilizers by 0.1–0.3%, compared to the variants without their introduction. The use of macrofertilizers reduces the dry matter content by 0.3–1.3% compared to the control and the use of microfertilizers did not have a significant effect on the dry matter content in individual organs and in general in maize plants. Conclusions. A high correlation was found between the dry matter content of the whole plant and grain (r = 0,94), of bract plus cob and cobs (r = 0,91), stems (r = 0,88) and leaves (r = 0,87). An increase in individual productivity of maize plants was established on variants with N120Р90К90 application and YaraTera Tenso Cocktail seed treatment (0.15 kg/t) and maize spraying in the phase of 3-5 leaves of YaraVita Kombiphos (3 l/ha), which has a positive effect on yield growth green and dry mass of the studied hybrids.
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