Purpose. To develop optimal parameters for the application of irrigation regimes, nutritional background and planting density when growing hybrid maize seeds in irrigated conditions in the south of Ukraine. Methods. The studies were carried out during the conditions of the experimental field of the Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the NAAS. Planning and conducting research was carried out in accordance with generally accepted methods of conducting field experience, methodological recommendations and manuals. Results. The use of fertilizers ensured an increase in the yield of maternal grain at 14 % moisture, compared with an un fertilized version, on average, by 1,42–1,59 t/ha. Thickenings of crops of hybridization plots from 40 to 60 and 80 thousand pcs./ha, on average by factor C, contributed to a yield increase of 0,68–0,98 t/ha. Carrying out vegetative irrigation at 70 % HB ensured an increase in seed yield by 3,56 t/ha. It was established that the highest yield of corn seeds of self-dusting lines was obtained by the recommended fertilizer norm N120P90 and a density of 80 thousand plants per hectare. At the same time, conditionally net profit amounted to 57 192,4 UAH/ha and profitability – 517,7 %. On the same option, the highest payback of 1 m3 of irrigation water was obtained – 2.2 kg and 1 kg d. мineral fertilizers – 12–8 kg increase in corn seed yield. Findings. Irrigation on crops of parental forms of corn contributed to a decrease in the use of soil moisture reserves by 257 m3/ha, or 22,7 %, while the share in total water consumption belongs to the irrigation norm – 51,8 %. Due to vegetative irrigation, the yield of corn increased 2,2 times, which contributed to the additional production of 3,55 t/ha of hybrid seeds, or 22.1 thousand UAH./ha. The introduction of the recommended dose of fertilizers N120P90 with a density of standing of 80 thousand pieces./ha, provided the highest seed yield – 8,53 t/ha, while the conditionally net profit amounted to 57,2 thousand UAH/ha and profitability – 517,7 %. When growing hybrid corn seeds, the payback of 1 m3 of irrigation water with a yield increase is 0,6–2,2 kg and 1 kg d. мineral fertilizers – 12,8 kg.
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