Formation of yield and grain quality of modern varieties of winter wheat of different geographical origin
Purpose. Under the conditions of the zone of unstable moistening of the northeastern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine, the goal was to study the ecological study of winter wheat varieties of different geographical origin. Assess the possibility of optimal use of agrometeorological resources. On their basis, to improve adaptive technologies for growing grain crops in a zone of unstable moisture. This will contribute to the growth of quantitative and qualitative indicators of productivity, gross grain harvest and increase sustainability in agriculture. Methods. Field experiments are supplemented by laboratory studies. Methods of mathematical statistics were used to process the obtained data. Statistical processing of yield data was carried out by the method of dispersion analysis using the Statistica for Windows, Microsoft Excel software package. Related observations, records and analyzes were carried out according to the "Methodology of the State Variety Testing of Agricultural Crops". Results. In ecological variety testing, the highest yield was obtained for varieties: Harmonika – 8.87 t / ha, rich – 8.82 t / ha of the Institute of Plant Industry named after. V.Ya. Yuryeva NAAS; Akhtyrchanka Yubileynaya – 8.48 t/ha, Vozdvizhenka – 8.38 t/ha Ivanovskaya Experimental Breeding Station of the Institute of Bioenergy Crops and Sugar Beet of the National Academy of Sciences; Tsarevna – 9.46 t/ha, Ros – 8.85 t/ha, Generous Niva – 8.70 t/ha, Otrada – 8.67 t/ha, Legend of Belotserkovskaya – 8.14 t/ha of the Belotserkovskaya experimental breeding stations of the Institute of Bioenergy Crops and Sugar Beet of the National Academy of Sciences; Filippovka – 8.28 t/ha, Quail – 8.03 t/ha of the Breeding and Genetic Institute – the National Center for Seed Science and Variety Research of the National Academy of Sciences; Bogdana – 8.94 t/ha, MIP Assol – 8.90 t/ha, MIP Dnepryanka – 8.54 t/ha, Trudovnitsa Mironovskaya – 8.46 t/ha, Podolyanka – 8.44 t/ha Myronivsky Institute of Wheat them. V.M. Crafts NAAN; Landscape – 9.58 t/ha, Singer Polesskaya – 8.94 t/ha, Stolichnaya – 8.20 t/ha NSC "Institute of Agriculture NAAS". In the conditions of 2020, the grain of winter wheat of most varieties is 2 and 3 classes in quality, respectively. On average, the varieties of the Ivanovskaya Experimental Breeding Station of the Institute of Bioenergy Crops and Sugar Beet of the National Academy of Sciences were characterized by the highest quality, where the content of protein and gluten was 13, 3 and 26.4%, respectively. indicators. The lowest indicators of grain quality by variety were noted at the Belotserkovskaya Experimental Breeding Station of the Institute of Bioenergy Crops and Sugar Beet at the level of protein 12.4% and gluten 23.5%. Conclusions. Under the conditions of the zone of unstable moistening of the northeastern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine, the processes of formation of the level of productivity and quality of grain by varieties of winter wheat were studied. An assessment was made of the resistance of the tested genotypes to specific weather conditions of the growing season. Varieties (different in origin) with high adaptive potential were identified. Under such conditions, the following varieties provided the highest level of individual productivity: Landscape, Tsarevna, Pivanka Polesskaya, Bogdana, MIP Assol, Harmonika, Ros, Sdobnaya, Schedraya Niva, Otrada, MIP Dnepryanka, Akhtyrchanka Yubileynaya, Trudovnitsa Mironovskaya, Podolyanka, Vozdvizhenka.
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