Sowing millet in the system of adaptation of agricultural production to the global current challenges

Keywords: sowing millet, biological peculiarities, growing technology, economical usage, global challenges, and conditions of war actions.


production to the global current challenges The aim of the article is the analysis of contemporary information concerning biological features of sowing millet, notification of world experience and generalization of agricultural, technological and economical benefits of culture, study of contemporary tendenciesof its production and peculiarities of its growing, perspectives of effective usage of biological benefits of culture in the system of contemporary agrarian production in the aspects of current world challenges and problems, caused by war between Russian Federation in the Ukraine. The methodic of researches. The work is done with usage of analysis and generalization of published results of native and foreign scientists. It was used generally approved methods of scientific knowledge – dialectical, abstract-logical and analytical ones. The results of researches. On the base of generalization of scientific native and foreign work outs and practical experience it was highlighted such unique biological peculiarities of millet as precocity, wide measure of term of sowing, drought resistance, heat resistance, plasticity to conditions of growing, wide economical usage of biological mass. It was concentrated attention to the fact that mentioned peculiarities of millet permit to use it successfully for adjustment of grain and fodder balance, optimization of field and irrigation crop rotations violated as a result of extreme weather conditions and war actions. A large number of native varieties guarantee simultaneously wide possibility of choice for concrete conditions but it need accounting of their morphological and physiological reactions on specific conditions of their alternative placement, that is connected with key technological elements and influenced on effectiveness of usage of intensification factors. Growing of millet permits to get full-fledged grain products and after limitation permits to go in a simple way to traditional system of agrarian production. Conclusions. Sowing millet is the unique culture of wide usage that permits to adapt and to stabilize agrarian production in extreme conditions of hybrid war. Scientific researches concerning rational usage of culture in crop rotations of intensive type must be directed to the work out of resource saving and adaptive technologies directed to increase of productivity and cost recovery in crop rotations in a whole.


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