Formation of Panicum virgatum productivity under ecological approach in conditions of Western Forest steppe

Keywords: switchgrass, sowing dates, seeds, wrapping depth, yield.


The regularities of dependence of conditions of growth, development and formation of switchgrass productivity on increase of productivity at the expense of influence of ecological and agrotechnical factors are established: sowing terms and depth of wrapping of seeds in the conditions of the Forest-steppe of western Podillya. The presence of sufficient moisture in the soil during the sowing period is the main agri-environmental aspect. This feature of the culture is due to the increased need for moisture. Switchgrass is a tall perennial herbaceous plant with a welldeveloped root system. Bioenergy culture is propagated by seeds. Important factors in ensuring the necessary conditions for growing the crop are the timing of sowing, condition and sowing qualities of seeds, the presence of moisture, temperature and depth of seed wrapping. For culture, the method of sowing is wide-row sowing with a row spacing of 45 cm. This method of sowing creates the necessary nutrient and air-water regimes of the soil and allows you to care for plants during the growing season. Seeds of switchgrass begin to germinate at a temperature of not less than 6-8 oC, but friendly germination is observed when the soil warms up to 15-16 oC. Seedlings can withstand minor frosts up to -2 oC, and at a temperature of -3-5 oC mostly die or are severely damaged. The results of researches of features of formation of biometric indicators of switchgrass depending on application of a complex of elements of technology – terms of sowing and depth of wrapping of seeds are analyzed. It was found that the increase in land mass of plants in the formation of yield 35,6 t/ha was obtained when sowing in the second term (first decade of May) to a depth of seed wrapping 1,0-1,5 cm Intensity of land mass increase affected the increase in yield solid biofuels. The advantage of switchgrass over energy plantations is that it is harvested annually. You can harvest from one field of switchgrass for 15-20 years. It is established that the highest yield of bioenergetic productivity of perennial culture of switchgrass of Cave-in-Rock variety was obtained taking into account soil and climatic factors in the second sowing period at seed wrapping depths 1,0-1,5 cm, which allows efficient use of soil moisture and temperature. time of sowing seeds of bioenergy culture.


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