Photosynthetic indicators of maize hybrids depending on the density of sowing and treatment with biological products for irrigation

Keywords: hybrids, mays, biological products, leaf area, photosynthetic potential, yield.


Purpose. Is to investigate the influence of plant density and treatment with biological preparations on the formation of photosynthetic indicators of maize hybrids in the Southern Steppe of Ukraine. Methods. The research was conducted during 2019-2021 in the research field of the Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of NAAS, located in the area of Ingulets irrigated area. Factor A – different domestic FAO hybrids of maize. Factor B – plant density. Factor C – treatment with innovative domestic biological products. Results. It was found that treatment with biological products provided an increase in the assimilation surface area of maize hybrids. Maize hybrids (on average) showed the maximum assimilation surface area when treated with Biospectrum BT – 0.665 m2 / plant. The greatest impact on the assimilation surface area was caused by the drug Biospectrum BT, which provided an increase compared to the untreated control by 0.028–0.067 m2 / plant. On average, the drug Trichopsin BT also had a positive effect on the assimilation surface area (increase of 0.015–0.055 m2 / plant). The biological preparation Fluorescein BT on average had a minimal effect on the assimilation surface area (increase of 0.009–0.044 m2 / plant). The assimilation surface area increased due to the reduction of damage by fungal diseases and pests, as well as under the influence of growth-promoting action of drugs. Conclusions. The maximum value of photosynthetic potential – 3100 thousand m2*days – was obtained from the mid-late hybrid Arabat at a density of 90 thousand plants / ha and treatment with biological product Biospectrum BT. In the middle-late Chongar hybrid, the maximum indicator of photosynthetic potential was observed for the densities of 90 thousand plants / ha and treatment with the biological product Biospectrum BT – 2924 thousand m2 * days. The medium-ripe Kakhovsky hybrid showed the maximum indicator of photosynthetic potential – 2498 thousand m2 * days – at the densities of 90 thousand plants / ha and treatment with the biological product Biospectrum BT. Early-maturing steppe hybrid showed the maximum value of photosynthetic potential at densities of 90 thousand plants / ha and treatment with biological product Biospectrum BT – 2090 thousand m2* days.


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