Productivity of indeterminate tomato hybrids depending on organic mulching materials and drip irrigation
The growth of vegetable production in the republic is constrained not only by general economic problems, but also by the difficulties of the industry itself. The yield of agricultural crops, the volume of their production have a serious impact on climatic risks during the growing season, due to very high summer temperatures with low rainfall. The effective management of the vegetable industry requires the use of low-cost modern technologies. Vegetable crops in the rainforest zone are grown mainly using various irrigation methods. In order to increase the efficiency of vegetable production in recent years, drip irrigation is used The objective The aim of the work was to develop elements of tomato growing technology with the use of organic mulching materials and new promising hybrids that increase yields and product quality in the northern Steppe of Ukraine. Results. According to the results of research in the conditions For the first time in the northern steppe of Ukraine under drip irrigation, research was conducted on the development of basic elements of technology for the production of early indeterminate tomato plants. Taking into account local natural and climatic features, the influence of organic mulching materials on thermal, moist soil regimes, clogging of plantings and tomato yield has been established. Mulching the soil with organic materials improved the temperature, retained moisture, partially suppressed weeds without the use of herbicides, accelerated the ripening of tomato fruits and increased yields.An important direction in the production of vegetable products is the introduction of resource-saving technologies aimed at reducing direct labor costs, compliance with environmental standards, maintaining soil fertility and maximizing yields and profits. The economic efficiency of mulching materials application during tomato cultivation on chernozem type soils is calculated. The main elements of tomato cultivation technology under drip irrigation with the use of organic mulching material are proposed, which allow to obtain yields up to 50,2‑51,8 t / he and increase the economic efficiency of tomato cultivation with a profitability of 167-236%. Conclusions. Experimental studies have shown that when growing indeterminate tomato hybrids in the open ground on drip irrigation: it is necessary to use as mulching material wheat straw layer of 8 to 10 cm and a width of 30 cm. This will increase the yield of Dutch hybrids to 49,9‑51,8 t / he and profitability up to 224,0‑236,0 %.
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