Nutrient regime of soil on winter barley crops at different sowing dates and plant growth regulators under irrigation conditions
Purpose. The aim of the work is to determine the nutrient regime of soil on winter barley crops under irrigation of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine at different times of sowing and seed treatment with multifunctional plant growth regulators Humifield Forte Brix, MIR and PROLIS. Methods. The research was conducted on irrigated lands in 2016–2019 according to the methods of field and laboratory research of the Institute of Irrigated Agriculture (IIA) NAAS. Soil samples were used to determine the content of nitrates (according to Grandval- Liege), mobile phosphorus (according to Machigin), and exchangeable potassium (on a flaming photometer). The predecessor was soybeans harvested for grain. Plant growth regulators (PGR) were used for sowing winter barley on October 1 and 20 and seed treatment: Humifield Forte Brix (0.8 l/t), MIR (6 g/t) and PROLIS (5 g/t). Irrigation maintained the soil moisture at the level of 70 % HB in the layer of 0.50 m. Research results. It was found that treatment of winter barley seeds with plant growth regulators for sowing after soybean predecessor in 0.30 m layer of soil on dark chestnut soils increased the content of nitrate nitrogen in the soil and improved plant supply compared to the control variant (N90). During the spring tillering of plants in the soil layer of 0.30 m in variants without PPP for sowing barley on October 1 and 20 nitrates contained 35.9 and 47.8 mg/kg, while for seed treatment they were more – respectively 36.0–40.3 and 59.6–63.6 mg/kg. In most cases, during the period of “stalking – full grain ripeness” during the first sowing period, the highest content of nitrates in the soil was provided by PPP Humifield Forte Brix and PROLIS – 6.8–9.8 and 6.2–9.3 mg/kg, which is 1.0–1.8 and 0.9–1.0 mg/kg more than without them. At the same time as for the second sowing period – Humifield Forte Brix and MIR – 6.8–17.2 and 7.2–17.2 mg/kg, which exceeds the control variant by 1.4–8.0 and 1.5–8.0 mg/kg. Given that phosphorus and potassium fertilizers were not applied, such a significant difference in the treatment of PPP seeds and without them for these nutrients was not observed. Conclusions. Seed treatment with plant growth regulators Humifield Forte Brix, MIR and PROLIS significantly improved, above all, nitrogen nutrition of winter barley plants. The maximum amount of nitrates and mobile phosphorus is observed during the spring tillering of crops. From spring tillering to the end of the growing season, their content in the soil decreases, which indicates their use by plants almost to "full grain ripeness" and it was more intense in options with plant growth regulators and for sowing winter barley at a later date – October 20.
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