Biological method of plant protection in modern organic agriculture of Ukraine: historical aspects, trends, prospects

Keywords: biologization of the production process, organic farming, environmental safety, protection against pests, diseases and weeds.


The biological method of protecting cultivated plants from pests and diseases is based on the use of predatory and parasitic insects (entomophagous), predatory mites (acariphages), nematodes, birds, mammals, and others. to suppress or reduce the number of pests (against pests of agricultural crops), and biological products based on the products of microorganisms (against pests and diseases of agricultural crops). This method of pest and disease control is characterized by the fact that it is completely safe for the environment and humans, and also has a number of advantages over the use of chemicals. Modern biological methods used to protect crops from pests are divided into the following: a) the use of food and pheromone baits; b) zoological method; c) the use of entomophagous; d) drugs based on the products of micro and macro-organisms. Using food baits, you can locate pests in a certain place where they will not be difficult to destroy. Another method of attraction is the use of traps with pheromones and attractants. This method of insect control is based on their ability to communicate with odorous substances secreted by special gonads. Zoological method – attracting small animals and birds that feed on pests, their eggs and larvae. Entomophagous are beneficial insects that feed on pests that are their natural enemies. The use of entomophagous plants in the cultivation of cultivated plants allows to ensure early detection of the pest, reduce the pesticide load and maintain the ecological purity of the crop. The use of organisms and products of their vital activity (or their synthetic analogues) to control the density of populations of insect pests, weeds and fungi that cause diseases of crops – the most convenient, operational and technological option of biological methods of agricultural protection. cultures. It is permissible to combine elements of biological protection with moderate use of synthetic pesticides at times when they are least dangerous to entomophages and do not show fungicidal action on the beneficial microflora.


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