Influence of humified compost on fertility of dark chestnut medium loamy soil under irrigation conditions
A purpose. Estimation of the influence of bird compost on soil fertility and scientific substantiation of the optimal dose of its application under spring barley of Avers variety on dark-chestnut medium-loam soil of the steppe zone of Ukraine. Methods. field, laboratory, mathematicalstatistical and calculation-analytical methods. Results. It was found that with each ton of organic fertilizers based on bird droppings, 13 kg of nitrogen, 25 kg of phosphorus and 26 kg of active substance potassium are introduced into the soil. Calculation of humus content in soil layers and conversion of humus content into available nitrogen, prove the content of available nitrogen after the second application of bird compost increased in the soil layer 0-60 cm by 21.7%. The total water consumption, namely: the amount of moisture used by plants during the growing season for transpiration and evaporation by soil is 2731 m3/ha. The analysis of the components of total water consumption showed that the need for water was met by 33% due to productive reserves in the soil, by 38% – due to the precipitation of the growing season and by 29% – due to irrigation. Most effectively, with a total water consumption of 525 m3/t, moisture was used in the version with the introduction of 7 t/ha of poultry humus. In the variant with the application of 7 t/ha, the highest yield was obtained – 5.2 t/ha. This dose is the most effective, when it was applied, the maximum increase in yield was obtained in the experiment, which was 1.62 t/ha, which is 31.2% higher than in the control. Conclusions. Increasing the dose of bird humus from 2 to 7 t/ha had a positive effect on the productivity of spring barley, and higher doses cause a slight suppression of crops and reduced yields when applying 8, 9, 10 t / ha of bird compost at 19,2, 5,8 and 3.5%, respectively. The most effective dose of poultry humus on spring barley crops is 7 t/ha.
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