Influence of watering methods on productivity of maize hybrids

Keywords: irrigation, sprinkling, subsurface drip irrigation, Dry Steppe, leaf surface area.


Purpose. Improve the elements of technology for growing modern maize hybrids and investigate their response to the use of different irrigation methods. Methods. Mathematical, statistical and laboratory-analytical methods were used during the research. Results. On the subsurface drip irrigation, the leaf surface area in the flowering phase was 34.6 thousand m2/ha, and on sprinkler irrigation – 29.8 thousand m2/ha. The average height of plants on subsurface drip irrigation was 35.1 cm higher than on sprinkler irrigation. The height of the cob attachment was 14.9 cm higher. The average yield on subsurface drip irrigation was 12.99 t/ha, which is 3.77 t/ha more than this figure for sprinkling, which is 9.22 t/ha. Correlation-regression analysis showed a direct linear dependence of yield on leaf surface area. The values of the correlation coefficient are 0.648 for subsurface drip irrigation and 0.7228 for sprinkler irrigation. Empirical equations of yield dependence on leaf surface area were constructed. For sprinkler irrigation: Y = 0.2059X + 3.093 (t/ha); where X is the leaf surface area, thousand m2/ha. For subsurface drip irrigation: Y = 0.235X + 4.8536 (t/ha); where X is the leaf surface area, thousand m2/ha. Findings. It is established that the introduction of subsurface drip irrigation in the Dry Steppe zone of Ukraine can lead to an increase in the leaf surface area of corn in the flowering phase by 16.1% compared to sprinkling. Yields also increased by 40.89%. These results allow us to recommend the introduction of subsurface drip irrigation systems in the south of Ukraine in the cultivation of corn for grain. Also, with the help of correlation-regression analysis, a direct relationship was established between the leaf surface area of maize crops in the flowering phase and grain yield with different irrigation methods. The constructed empirical equations will allow to predict with some accuracy the expected harvest in the phase of flowering of corn.


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