Pests of hazelnuts in Transcarpathia

Keywords: hazelnuts, varieties, diseases, lesions, pathogens


Purpose. In previous years, the area under hazelnuts in Transcarpathia is growing and becoming more widespread, and the number of pests and diseases that cause great damage to plantations is increasing, that’s why we chose this issue for research. Methods. To determine the species composition of pests and diseases of hazelnuts, we examined the adults and larvae of parasites, as well as samples of leaves or buds with symptoms similar to damage by a specific pest or pathogen. Plantings were inspected throughout the growing season of plants, as various pests or pathogens have their own period of development. The selected samples were packed in plastic bags with labels indicating the type or variety of wood, place and date of selection and sent to the laboratory for thorough analysis and identification of the disease or pest. Results. A significant number of pests that can cause damage to plantations in the Transcarpathian region has been noted. 141 species of phytophagous insects were found on hazelnuts in forests, the most common series of Lepidoptera and Coleoptera. Of the insect monophages, hazel and hazel aphids, hazelnut tapeworm, and hazelnut halibut were noted and from oligophages – a tubular twig of a hazel mustache, a hidden head of a hazel, an arctic nut, a beetle of a hazel weevil was indicated. During the period of accounting for hazelnuts in the Beregovo region, significantly fewer species were identified – 60 against 113 in previous years. There is a much smaller number of hazelnut cultivars – 39 against 19 species, which were observed in 2021. Among the common diseases of the root system, there is a weak lesion of fusarium wilt, leaf surface with powdery mildew, alternaria spot, phyllostictosis and apical chlorosis of young shoots of the second wave of regrowth. Findings. In order to limit the harmfulness of pests and diseases, first of all, special attention should be paid to environmental aspects and only secondly – preventive and restrictive measures with the use of pesticides. Only healthy planting material should be used for planting. When digging seedlings in the nursery, carefully inspect the root system and use insecticide hops to reduce soil pest damage. In case of signs of various rots, as well as viral and phytoplasma diseases on the main and lateral roots or root collar of seedlings, the plants should be discarded and destroyed. When designing industrial hazelnut plantations should take into account the terrain, slope exposure, soil type, calcium content, depth of groundwater and other agri-environmental conditions that significantly affect the growth and development of trees, their resistance to disease and other stress factors. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the recommended planting density of seedlings, at which plants receive good light and free movement of air between them, keep the soil loose, and at a young age to use different mulch.


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