Scientific principles of selection of soft winter wheat varieties according to adaptive characteristics

Keywords: winter wheat, technology, tillering rate, weight of 1000 grains, yield, cost, profit, profitability


The purpose of research is the developmentof a methodological approach and improvementof adaptive technology of winter wheat cultivationthrough the substantiation of the principles of increasing the adaptability of winter wheat plants in the eastern partof the Northern Steppe of Ukraine.Research methodology. The research was conductedin the period 2018–2020 in the field crop rotationof State Enterprise «Zaboyshchik». For a detailed studyof the peculiarities of the formation of agrocenosesof different varieties of winter wheat in the experimentssown entered into the Register of winter wheat varietiesrecommended for cultivation in the steppe zone of Ukraine.The research was carried out in field experiments, laiddown by the method of successive plots, in a systematicway. Repetition in experiments – three times. The areaof the accounting area was 40–80 m2.Soil preparation in the pre-sowing period was aimedat maximally preserving and accumulating moisture inthe soil and destroying weeds.Results. The article presents the results of soft winterwheat varieties of different breeding centers (61 varieties)according to adaptive indicators. According to the resultsof weather conditions, the cool and humid weather of springover the years of research has contributed to the intensiveformation of common stems by plants.According to the results of research, the highest coefficientof total tillering was formed by plants of the varieties Vezha,Legenda Bila Tserkva, Romanivna. However, such weatherconditions did not allow plants from a significant numberof common stems to form productive. A large numberof varieties of ecological variety testing on the coefficientof productive tillering gave way to the standard variety. Thehighest coefficient of productive tillering in the experimentwas in the variety Rozumnytsia Bila Tserkva 1.62.Studies have shown that biometric indicators of winterwheat varieties of different breeding centers reflected theirresponse to changes in weather conditions that occurredduring the observation period.Findings. On average, over the years of research,the largest increase in grain to the standard was providedby the Ovid variety. High yields were also providedby Koshova and Vygadka varieties. The coefficientof tillering of plants varied from 2.53 to 5.56 dependingon the variety. The calculation of the economic feasibilityof growing different varieties of winter wheat in the easternpart of the Northern Steppe showed that the highestprofitability was in the varieties Ovid – 203.3%, Vygadkaand Koshov – 163.3%, Vilshan and Samara-2 – 160.0%in yield 9.1 t / ha, 7.9 t / ha, 7.8 t / ha. The cost of 1 tonof grain of winter wheat varieties is from UAH 1,899.00. upto UAH 3409.00


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