Agrobiological features and productivity of Erúca satíva plants when using biological products

Keywords: biological products, geocouple film greenhouse, EM compost, economic efficiency, Erúca satíva, resource-saving technology


The priority trend at present stage of vegeculture development is to obtain high-quality, environmentally friendly products in combination with the development and implementation of new agronomic methods of cultivation. Moreover, promising methods are those that can significantly expand the range of crops grown, the ultimate goal of which is to diversify the diet of the population. Currently, the search for new highly efficient and environmentally friendly technologies for growing vegetable plants is promising, and biological methods of influencing the plant organism become increasingly important. One of such methods is the usage of biological products. The objective The aim of the experiment was to develop optimal technological parameters for growing Erúca satíva in a geo-dome plastic film greenhouse. Methods. The experiments were performed in geocoupled film greenhouses during the calendar year. Results. According to the results of research in the conditions of geo-dome film greenhouses, the effectiveness of the use of biological products EM Agro and EM 5M, which depended on crop rotation, ie on the microclimatic conditions of plant formation, is substantiated. At the same time, the use of the drug Sodium Humate did not affect arugula plants and depended on the timing of cultivation. When grown in 1 and 6 crop rotations (planting seedlings on September 12 and June 6, respectively), under relatively favorable abiotic conditions, the use of biological products did not have a significant impact on the biometric characteristics of plants. Deviations of biometric parameters of experimental plants from control were insignificant. However, as expected, the greatest effect from the use of EM 5M was associated with the stimulation of leaf formation, and the use of EM Agro to a greater extent stimulated the root system. It was found that the main economic indicators, namely the amount of costs, profits and production costs varied throughout the year and depended on the length of the growing season and the timing of cultivation. Thus, in the variant where the maximum yield of Koltivat arugula was observed (1,689 kg / m² sowing date January 12) the costs amounted to 148.1 UAH/m², profit – 414.2 UAH/m², cost – 92.5 UAH/kg. Thus, during the experimental researches the high economic efficiency of arugula cultivation at different planting dates in film cultivation structures of protected soil in the conditions of the transition zone between the southern Forest-Steppe and the Northern Steppe of Ukraine was established. It was found that the maximum profitability was 468 % in 6 crop rotation (seedling planting date is June 6) when growing arugula variety Koltivata. Conclusions. As a result of experimental researches high efficiency of application of microbiological preparations of EM Agro and EM 5M at cultivation of arugula of the Koltivata variety is established. It should be noted that the effectiveness of EM preparations depends on agrobiological conditions. The greatest stimulating effect of EM Agro and EM 5M we found when using them in the treatment of plants of arugula cultivar Koltivata in rather adverse thermal and light conditions of late spring and early spring crop rotations, where yield increases ranged from 6.2 to 11.8% compared to control variants.


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